Saturday, July 2, 2016

Violet Spitzer Historical Photo

There's a story to the two photos below, one of which is a crop from the other. 

While on vacation in 2002, I noticed some historical photos displayed on a wall at one of the hotels in Kona, Hawaii. The caption on one photo read, "Lei sellers offer their wares to passerby, c 1930, Hawaii State Archives." 

I wasn't sure, but I thought I recognized the woman in the photo as Violet Prager Spitzer, wife of Clifford Spitzer. I snapped a few photos to show Violet's daughter, and, yes, she recognized her mother and even remembered the outfit she was wearing. What a stylish lady Violet was in her white short-sleeved suit with matching hat and gloves.

Lei sellers offer their wares to passerby, c 1930, Hawaii State Archives.

Close-up crop of the above photo.

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